
Wilhelm Egger

School, first German, then Italian
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Mannin g - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
What else did I then, in October 1921 .. then started the school seven years ago. With six years to enroll and there were two years .. I have yet visited the German school. There was one teacher in first grade, a certain Platzgummer, who came from Schlanders in Vinschgau. And one, the second year, Maria Zwerger, the first year or two classes of two divisions of the school. There was 1921, 1922, a teacher from Alps. And the second year was the old teacher, who was already retired, Georg Mitterer, he came from Proveis, the neighboring community. And then in the autumn of 1923 came - no one was long, the Italian school was already arranged, and there was still .. In October, it should have started, but they did not begin until early November and with two Italian teachers, and the first teacher wrote down, I think, Daldoss, she came from Cles, a Nonsbergerin. And now, another teacher was from a boys' class from Fondo, a certain Carmela Battisti, and have visited all the teacher training institute in Trento, as it was in Austria. Austria has one country so their - the Italians have had Italian education and the Germans, a German ..